You and your family are welcome to visit the home before you make any decision. Once we receive your interest, our Manager will carry out an assessment to make sure that Ashbourne House can provide for all your needs.
When you arrive, we will allocate you a named carer to help you settle in. Your carer will get to know you, your interests and your needs, so we can ensure we are meeting them.
Each resident has a personalised care plan setting out the services and medical treatments they might require. Your care plan is regularly reviewed and we welcome any feedback you might wish to give.
We are happy for you to bring personal belongings for your room such as photographs and ornaments, or even furniture.
Visitors are always welcome at any time. Refreshments are freely available to visitors. You are able to go out with or visit family and friends whenever you like, so long as we know you are safe.
At Ashbourne House, our staff actively encourage and promote the residents to maintain contact with friends and relatives. There are no restrictions on visiting hours, and family and friends are always made welcome and encouraged to visit, stay for a meal and generally spend time together. There are three lounges and a conservatory within the care home for residents to entertain visitors, as well as their own rooms.
We never forget that our residents have a right to privacy, respect and dignity. Ashbourne House is our residents’ home and they should always feel at home here. We are dedicated to the promotion of your health, personal, social and spiritual care.
Residents at Ashbourne House care home are actively encouraged to participate in the residents’ meetings, where they can voice their opinions on a general basis. Questionnaires are used to help improve the quality of care and service they receive from the home. Our complaints procedure allows more serious concerns to be dealt with immediately by management, in complete confidence.